Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

More expo stories

I just discovered this great coverage of the Portland Expo by David Ngo, the winner of the Chunkout 2600 competition at the expo. Congratulations on the win David!

Excellent expo in Portland!

The expo went really well in Portland and I had a great time meeting up with heaps of retro gaming folk. Thanks to all of the organisers of the show for all their hard work, especially Rick for his work on helping with the Chunkout 2600 release. Both the competitions for the Chunkout 2 and […]

Just under a month to go til Portland!

There is just under a month to go until the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and we are finishing up the details of the Chunkout 2600 release. Rick received the printed dogtags yesterday that will be packed in with the boxed editions which are looking as good, if not better than expected! Jon has just sent […]

Welcome to!

This website will be a place for me to provide details of the retro video games I have been a part of developing to date, and a glimpse into future projects.